• Membership
  • Member Login, opens in a new tab
  • Become a First-Time Member, opens in a new tab
  • Become a Supporting Member, opens in a new tab
  • Renew Membership, opens in a new tab
  • Mail/Fax Membership

Mail/Fax Membership Forms#

Thank you for being a part of U.S. Biathlon! To renew your membership by mail follow the three steps below. If you would like to complete renew your membership online click here.


  1. Download and complete the Membership Form
  2. Send the form to U.S. Biathlon - Either Scan the form (both sides) and email the form to info@usbiathlon.org, or fax the form to U.S. Biathlon, or mail the form as instructed on the form 
  3. Pay online or mail the check - Payments can be made online HERE or by checks made out to USBA and enclosed with the form, or with a credit card that is listed on the form.

Note: If you pay online, list the member name in the text box after payment info so it is clear who the membership is for.