
U.S. Biathlon works to provide a safe environment in which athletes can train and compete, free from abuse and inappropriate behavior. Please review the information below and join us in supporting a culture of safety.

Report a Concern to SafeSport, opens in a new tab

The U.S. Biathlon Association (“U.S. Biathlon”) is committed to creating a safe and positive environment for athletes and participants involved in the sport of biathlon. It is also committed to creating an atmosphere free of misconduct, including child physical and sexual abuse and other forms of misconduct that do not necessarily involve children. In these SafeSport and Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies (collectively, the “Policy”) U.S. Biathlon will identify the primary types of misconduct, discuss U.S. Biathlon’s efforts to curb misconduct, enumerate U.S. Biathlon's safe sport requirements for certain individuals involved with U.S. Biathlon, including specific policies for one-on-one interactions with minor athletes.

U.S. Biathlon reserves the right to amend this Policy from time to time as it deems necessary. (Updated 03/09/2023).


We all are part of promoting a culture of safety through education, listening and speaking up! If you are an athlete who has experienced inappropriate behavior or know of an athlete who has experienced inappropriate behavior, you should report any concerns or violations to U.S. Biathlon and/or the U.S. Center for Safe Sport. To report physical misconduct, emotional misconduct or a MAAPP violation to US Biathlon, please email or use the anonymous SafeSport reporting form linked above.

To report a concern use the Center's toll free phone number: (833) 5US-SAFE (587-7233)

The Center accepts all reports of sexual abuse and child abuse within the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Movement. Report here (“Report here” should link to if you have reasonable suspicion of sexual misconduct or harassment, child abuse (including child sexual abuse), or intimate relationships involving an imbalance of power.

The Center also accepts reports of emotional and physical misconduct (including but not limited to bullying, hazing, stalking, and harassment) within the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Movement. Reports of emotional and physical misconduct can also be reported directly to your sport’s national governing body (NGB).


  • United States Biathlon Association Logo

    U.S. Biathlon SafeSport Policy

    SafeSport Policy, opens in a new tab
  • United States Biathlon Association Logo
  • United States Biathlon Association Logo

    Anonymous SafeSport Reporting

    Anonymous Reporting, opens in a new tab
  • Report to the US Center for Safesport

    Report Here, opens in a new tab
  • United States Biathlon Association Logo

    U.S. Biathlon Quality Control System for Event Organizers

    Quality Control, opens in a new tab
  • United States Biathlon Association Logo

    U.S. Biathlon Response and Resolution Policy

    Response & Resolution, opens in a new tab
  • United States Olympic and Paralympic Committee logo
  • SafeSport Policy Summary & FAQs

    Policy Summary & FAQs

U.S. Biathlon requires all Coach and Officials member types to have annual SafeSport training. Additionally, anyone regularly training around minor athletes is required to have annual SafeSport training. Parents of minor athletes and minor athletes can access free tailored training via the U.S. Center for SafeSport website at

  1. Navigate to the Safe Sport portal
  2. Create an account and enter your U.S. Biathlon membership number, or login to an existing account.
  3. Click "enroll" when promoted to enroll in the NGB Course.
  4. Complete the course "SafeSport Trained - NGB1" or the next refresher (you only need to complete ONE training or refresher annually).