Our donor community helps provide 20% of our annual budget, which is critical in supporting our athletes, programs and initiatives at all levels. Achieving our goals requires building participation at the grassroots level, attracting top athletic talent, and delivering a world-class high-performance program. The impact of support from our donors is felt across our organization and community, and the generosity propels our athletes and organization towards our goals.
It is support from people like you that help provide our athletes with the resources they need to grow in the sport and achieve their goals. We are currently able to provide full sport for our athletes on the World Cup, alleviate two-thirds of IBU Cup costs for athletes, and offer need-based support to further help with the costs. We aim to continue this high level of support and thank you for your support as a pillar of our biathlon community.
We know with the right support for our athletes, the biathlon community and our organization, our athletes will stand on the Olympic podium as champions. That’s why we need you, standing with us as a supporter to help provide the critical resources our athletes and plan requires. We hope you'll join us on this journey and be part of this extraordinary opportunity to win America’s last first winter Olympic medal!
How Giving Helps#
$50 donation
$50 can get an athlete the supplies necessary to clean their rifle. In order to ensure consistent precision over the long term, an athlete must clean their rifle regularly after shooting.
$100 donation
$100 covers an athlete's range fees for one (1) week of training camp.
$250 donation
$250 covers two (2) nights of room and board for an athlete at training camp.
$500 donation
$500 covers 10 weeks worth of training ammunition for an athlete.
$1,000 donation
$1,000 covers an athlete's airfare from the United States to an international competition.
$2,000 donation
$2,000 covers new biathlon rifle stock for one (1) athlete. The rifle stock is the bulk of the rifle, customized for each athlete to match their body type and shooting style. Click HERE to learn more about biathlon rifle anatomy from Olympian Paul Schommer.
United States Biathlon is non-profit corporation recognized as tax-exempt by the Internal Revenue Service with number tax ID number 03-0279959. Donations are tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law.
or, mail a check to:
U.S. Biathlon Association
2002 Soldier Hollow Ln.
P.O. Box 537
Midway, UT 84049
Contact JGierhart@USBiathlon.org to make a gift of stock or securities.