• Code of Conduct
  • Athlete Handbook, opens in a new tab
  • Athlete Ombuds
  • Athlete Representatives
  • Standardized Waxing Policy
  • SafeSport
  • Biathlon Safety

Code of Conduct#

This constitutes the Code of Conduct (Code) of US Biathlon. This Code of Conduct is intended

to protect the safety and well-being of US Biathlon’s participants, and to ensure US Biathlon’s

participants conduct themselves with integrity, maintain a high standard of ethical conduct, and

promote the Olympic values, spirit, and ideals.


This Code applies to all US Biathlon members, board members, officers, directors, committee

members, task force members, employees, coaches, independent contractors, officials, and

volunteers, and anyone participating in US Biathlon events and activities. All such US Biathlon

participants should become familiar with the rules and standards of this Code.


As a precondition of my participation in any US Biathlon event or activity, I agree to uphold and

abide by the Code.

➢ I will respect and conduct myself in accordance with the Olympic spirit, which requires

mutual understanding with a spirit of friendship, solidarity and fair play, and similarly

with the core Paralympic values, which are determination, equality, inspiration and


➢ I will adhere to the anti-doping rules and policies of the International Olympic

Committee, International Paralympic Committee, USOC, World Anti-Doping Agency,

U.S. Anti-Doping Agency and [IF], and commit to promote sport without doping.

➢ I will adhere to the rules and policies of the U.S. Center for SafeSport and the athlete

safety policy of US Biathlon, and commit to promote sport free from bullying, hazing,

sexual misconduct or any form of emotional or physical abuse.

➢ I will comply with the Olympic Movement Code on the Prevention of the Manipulation

of Competitions, and commit to promote sport free from manipulation, corrupt conduct,

or using or disclosing inside information for any purpose.

➢ I will respect and comply with the laws of the state or country in which I am training,

traveling, or competing, including, but not limited to, laws governing the possession and

use of drugs and alcohol, and providing of drugs to any person and of alcohol to minors.

➢ I am responsible for my own behavior and for reading, understanding, and abiding by the

policies applicable to me, including those of US Biathlon, as well as the competitions

and events in which I participate.

➢ I will respect and abide by all other rules, policies, and procedures of US Biathlon, and

of the facilities and accommodations in which we train and live and/or utilize.

➢ I will reject discrimination of any kind on whatever grounds, be it race, color, sex, sexual

orientation, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin,

property, birth or other status.

➢ I will demonstrate good sportsmanship by showing respect toward my teammates,

coaches, competitors, officials and audience at all events and competitions.

➢ I will refrain from foul language, violence, behavior deemed dishonest, offensive,

intentionally malicious, or illegal.

➢ I will respect the property of others and not vandalize, damage or steal any such property.

➢ I agree to be filmed and photographed by the official photographer(s) and network(s) of

US Biathlon under conditions authorized by US Biathlon and give event organizers and

US Biathlon the right to use the name, picture, likeness, and biographical information

before, during and after the period of participation in these activities to promote the

activity or to promote the success of US Biathlon, including the use of my photo for US

Biathlon sport promotion and fundraising efforts. I will refrain from authorizing the use

of photographs, films or videos of myself or other US Biathlon members in US Biathlon

apparel or equipment or the use of the US Biathlon logo for the purpose of trade, without

the prior written consent of US Biathlon.

➢ I acknowledge that US Biathlon agrees that in no event may US Biathlon or the event

organizers use or authorize the use of my name, picture, likeness, voice and biographical

information for the purpose of trade, including any use in a manner that would imply an

endorsement of any company, product, or service, without my written permission.

➢ I agree to refrain from authorizing the use of photographs, films or videos of a member in

US Biathlon apparel or equipment or the use of the US Biathlon logo for the purpose of

trade, without the prior written consent of US Biathlon.

➢ I understand that any act, conduct, or personal appearance, even if not expressly

enumerated above, that violates the spirit and intent of this Code of Conduct, or brings

disrespect or dishonor to myself, my fellow athletes, US Biathlon, or the United States, is

a Code violation.

➢ I understand that, if I am under the age of 18, my parents or legal guardians will be

notified of all written reports of counseling or misconduct.

➢ I agree that any dispute or action arising from this Code of Conduct will be resolved

through US Biathlon’s Complaint Procedures.

In no event shall US Biathlon deny or threaten to deny an athlete, coach, official, or

administrator the opportunity to participate in protected or amateur athletic competition without

fair notice and an opportunity to be heard in accordance with the requirements of the Ted

Stevens Olympic and Amateur Sports Act, the USOC Bylaws and the US Biathlon Complaint



Members may contact US Biathlon CEO with questions or complaints. Members also may

contact the athlete representative(s) to the Board of Directors as well as the Athletes Advisory

Council Representative.

USBA CEO Contact: ceo@usbiathlon.org;

Director of Operations: sara@usbiathlon.org

Chair of the Nominating, Governance and Ethics Committee: Harry Brakeley


The Athlete Ombudsman provides cost-free, independent and confidential advice regarding

athlete rights; resolving disputes or grievances; and any sport rule, policy, or process, including

NGB-athlete agreements, codes of conduct or team selection procedures. The Athlete

Ombudsman can also help athletes connect with legal counsel or mental health resources if

needed. Athletes may contact the Athlete Ombudsman at:

  • PHONE: (719) 866-5000
  • EMAIL: ombudsman@usathlete.org
  • WEBSITE: www.usathlete.org

USOPC Ethics & Compliance - The USOPC Ethics and Compliance team accepts reports

related to USBA’s compliance with the Ted Stevens Olympic and Amateur Sports Act and the

USOPC or USBA Bylaws. Any individual may report concerns confidentially, or

anonymously, online using the USOPC Integrity Portal. If preferred, individuals may call the

USOPC Integrity Hotline at 1-877-404-9935 to report their concern over the phone.

D. Ethics Program

USBA has established an Ethics Committee (Nominating, Governance & Ethics) in its

Bylaws with 33.33% athlete representation. The Ethics Committee established in the USBA

Bylaws creates and implements this Code of Conduct, Ethics and Conflict of Interest Policies.

It is also the entity to who a report regarding violations of those policies should be made.

USBA’s Director of Operations will monitor ethics reports and conduct ethics education at

USBA. The Director of Operations works closely with the Chair of the Nominating,

Governance & Ethics Committee to ensure that the Ethics Committee is involved in ethics

issues as appropriate. Please see contact information above.

The Ethics Committee will review and investigate matters of ethical impropriety and make

recommendations and/or render decisions on such matters to the Board as appropriate. If the

matter involves an individual’s right to participate, the Ethics Committee will provide an

opportunity for a hearing as set forth in Chapter 32 of the USBA Bylaws and its Disciplinary

& Grievance Procedure.

In all instances, those handling the matter on behalf of the Ethics Committee will be fair,

impartial, and disinterested.

E. No Retaliation

USBA prohibits retaliation against anyone who reports misconduct or provides information

about misconduct as more fully detailed in USBA’s Whistleblower and Anti-Retaliation

Policy. Retaliation means any adverse or discriminatory action, or the thread of an adverse or

discriminatory action, including threatening, intimidating, harassing, coercing, removing

from training or competition, or any other conduct that would discourage a reasonable person

from engaging or participating in the complaint processes when the action is reasonably

related to the report or engagement with the process. Retaliation may be present even where

there is a finding that no violation occurred.

US Biathlon has zero tolerance for retaliatory conduct by any US Biathlon Staff member or

member of the US Biathlon Board of Directors or any other official associated with US

Biathlon against any participant who comes forward with a good faith complaint or issue.

Retaliation for reporting in good faith an alleged violation of this Code of Conduct will itself

constitute a violation of this Code of Conduct.

Under no circumstances will an individual be subject to any disciplinary or retaliatory

action for filing, in good faith, a report of a violation or potential violation of the Code of

Conduct. However, filing known false or malicious reports will not be tolerated, and

anyone filing such reports will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action.

F. Interference/Restrictions/Enforcement

USBA shall not interfere with or attempt to influence the outcome of any SafeSport Code or

USBA Safe Sport Policy investigation regardless of jurisdiction. USBA will prohibit any

individual who is an employee, agent, or contractor from assisting a member or former member

in obtaining a new job (except the routine transmission of administrative and personnel files) if

the individual knows that such member of former member violated the policies or procedures of

the Center related to sexual misconduct or was convicted of a crime involving sexual misconduct

with a minor. In the event the USOPC sanctions or puts temporary measures on a Participant

under the USOPC Athlete Safety Policy, USBA will reciprocally enforce the same.

G. U.S. Biathlon Team Code of Conduct

This constitutes the Code of Conduct (Code) of the US Biathlon Team. This Code of Conduct

is intended to protect the safety and well-being of the US Biathlon Team, and to ensure the US

Biathlon Team conduct themselves with integrity, maintain a high standard of ethical conduct,

and promote the Olympic values, spirit, and ideals.


This Code applies to all US Biathlon Team members, coaches, employees, independent

contractors, officials, and volunteers, and anyone participating in US Biathlon Team events and

activities. All such US Biathlon participants should become familiar with the rules and

standards of this Code.


As a precondition of my participation in any US Biathlon event or activity, I agree to uphold

and abide by the Code.

• I will respect and conduct myself in accordance with the Olympic spirit, which requires

mutual understanding with a spirit of friendship, solidarity and fair play, and

similarly with the core Paralympic values, which are determination, equality, inspiration

and courage.

• I will adhere to the anti-doping rules and policies of the International Olympic

Committee, International Paralympic Committee, United States Olympic & Paralympic

Committee (USOPC), World Anti-Doping Agency, U.S. Anti-Doping Agency,

International Biathlon Union and US Biathlon, and commit to promote sport without


• I will adhere to the rules and policies of the U.S. Center for SafeSport and the Safe Sport,

Background Screening and Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention policy of US Biathlon, and

commit to promote sport free from bullying, hazing, sexual misconduct or any form of

emotional or physical abuse.

• I will adhere to the rules and policies of the USOPC and US Biathlon with regard to

background screening.

• I will comply with the Olympic Movement Code on the Prevention of the Manipulation

of Competitions, and commit to promote sport free from manipulation, corrupt conduct,

or using or disclosing inside information for any purpose.

• I will respect and comply with the laws of the state or country in which I am training,

traveling, or competing, including, but not limited to, laws governing the possession and

use of drugs and alcohol, and providing of drugs to any person and of alcohol to minors.

• I am responsible for my own behavior and for reading, understanding, and abiding by the

policies applicable to me, including those of US Biathlon, as well as the competitions

and events in which I participate.

• I will respect and abide by all other rules, policies, and procedures of US Biathlon, and

of the facilities and accommodations in which we train and live and/or utilize.

• I will reject discrimination of any kind on whatever grounds, be it race, color, sex, sexual

orientation, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin,

property, birth or other status.

• I will demonstrate good sportsmanship by showing respect toward my teammates,

coaches, competitors, officials and audience at all events and competitions.

• I will respect members of my Team, other teams, spectators and officials, and engage in

no form of discriminatory behavior or emotional, verbal, physical or sexual harassment or


• I will refrain from foul language, violence, behavior deemed dishonest, offensive,

intentionally malicious, or illegal.

• I will refrain from conduct detracting from my ability or that of my teammates to attain


• I will respect the property of others and not vandalize, damage or steal any such property.

• I will follow my Team’s written rules, including by way of example, the US Biathlon

bylaws, Code of Ethics, SafeSport policy, required attendance at team meetings and

prohibitions on the release of confidential team information;

• US Biathlon Team Rules include the following in addition to any provided at a specific


o I will participate to the very best of my ability in every event to which I attend

with US Biathlon and will inform the team as soon as possible if I am unfit

o I am aware that US Biathlon sponsors, suppliers and licensees provide critical

support for the Team and, in recognition of this fact, I will wear designated US

Biathlon apparel, as provided, at all official Team training, competitions,

functions and events except where USOPC approved Personal Performance Gear


o I will not conceal or cover-up any US Biathlon sponsor, supplier or licensee

brand or other identification appearing on my US Biathlon apparel;

o I will not add any markings of any kind to the visible part of my US Biathlon

uniform without first obtaining written permission to do so from the CEO of US


o I will abide by the rules of the International Biathlon Union concerning

allowable trademark identification on clothing and equipment worn or used in

competition or on visible body tattoos.

• I agree to be filmed and photographed by the official photographer(s) and network(s)

of US Biathlon under conditions authorized by US Biathlon and give event organizers

and US Biathlon the right to use the name, picture, likeness, and biographical

information before, during and after the period of participation in these activities to

promote the activity or to promote the success of US Biathlon, including the use of my

photo for US Biathlon sport promotion and fundraising efforts. I will refrain from

authorizing the use of photographs, films or videos of myself or other US

Biathlon members in US Biathlon apparel or equipment or the use of the US

Biathlon logo for the purpose of trade, without the prior written consent of US Biathlon.

• I acknowledge that US Biathlon agrees that in no event may US Biathlon or the event

organizers use or authorize the use of my name, picture, likeness, voice and biographical

information for the purpose of trade, including any use in a manner that would imply an

endorsement of any company, product, or service, without my written permission.

• I agree to refrain from authorizing the use of photographs, films or videos of a member

in US Biathlon apparel or equipment or the use of the US Biathlon logo for the purpose

of trade, without the prior written consent of US Biathlon.

• I understand that any act, conduct, or personal appearance, even if not expressly

enumerated above, that violates the spirit and intent of this Code of Conduct, or brings

disrespect or dishonor to myself, my fellow athletes, US Biathlon, or the United States, is

a Code violation.

• I understand that, if I am under the age of 18, my parents or legal guardians will be

notified of all written reports of counseling or misconduct.

• I agree that any dispute or action arising from this Code of Conduct will be resolved

through US Biathlon’s Complaint Procedures.

In no event shall US Biathlon deny or threaten to deny an athlete, coach, official, or

administrator the opportunity to participate in protected or amateur athletic competition without

fair notice and an opportunity to be heard in accordance with the requirements of the Ted

Stevens Olympic and Amateur Sports Act, the USOPC Bylaws and the US Biathlon Complaint



Members may contact US Biathlon CEO with questions or complaints. Members also may

contact the athlete representative(s) to the Board of Directors as well as the Athletes’ Advisory

Council Representative.

The Office of the Athlete Ombuds provides cost-free, independent and confidential advice

regarding athlete rights; resolving disputes or grievances; and any sport rule, policy, or process,

including NGB-athlete agreements, codes of conduct or team selection procedures. The Athlete

Ombuds can also help athletes connect with legal counsel or mental health resources if

needed. Athletes may contact the Athlete Ombuds at:

  • PHONE: (719) 866-5000
  • EMAIL: ombudsman@usathlete.org
  • WEBSITE: www.usathlete.org

US Biathlon has zero tolerance for retaliatory conduct by any US Biathlon Staff member or

member of the US Biathlon Board of Directors or any other official associated with US

Biathlon against any participant who comes forward with a good faith complaint or issue.

Retaliation for reporting in good faith an alleged violation of this Code of Conduct will itself

constitute a violation of this Code of Conduct.