U.S. Biathlon Youth and Junior Nationals & International Team Trials
Soldier Hollow Nordic Center | December 26 - 31, 2024 | Midway, UT
U.S. Biathlon is proud to invite all Youth & Junior Biathletes to the U.S. Biathlon Youth and Junior Nationals & International Team Trials to be held December 26-31, 2024 at Soldier Hollow Nordic Center in Midway, Utah. National Championships medals will be up for grabs as well as selection to International Teams for the winter of 2024-25 and an incredible opportunity to gain experience while racing at the future 2034 Olympic Biathlon venue.
Click HERE to view the official U.S. Biathlon Youth and Junior Nationals & International Team Trials race invitation.
Registration is required for all competitors, and is now open!
Click HERE to register.
Friday, December 27
13:00-15:00 Official Training
16:00 Coaches Meeting
Saturday, December 28
13:00-13:45 Zero
14:00 Women Start 6k Sprint
14:45 Men Start 7.5k Sprint
15:40-15:55 OPEN Zero
16:00 OPEN 5k Sprint *not part of Nationals event
Sunday, December 29
10:00-12:00 Official Training
14:30 - Paul Smith's College Film Premiere Speaker Panel
15:15 - Paul Smith's College Film Premiere
Monday, December 30
10:00-10:45 Zero
11:00 Men 12k Mass Start 60
11:45 Women 9k Mass Start 60
17:30 Banquet
Tuesday, December 31
09:00-09:45 Zero
10:00 Women start 7.5km Sprint
10:30 Men start 10 km Sprint
Information regarding start lists and results for the upcoming races can be found HERE. The first start list will be posted by 5 pm MST. Live results will be available.
IBU rules are in effect for this event except as specifically modified by the Organizing Committee or Competition Jury.
U.S. Biathlon relies on support from many volunteers to put on an important event such as this for the best biathletes in the U.S. Please sign in to check out the needs for the event and join us if you can: https://utaholympiclegacy.rosterfy.com/event/list
The athlete banquet will take place Monday, December 30th from 17:30 to 19:30 at Soldier Hollow Nordic Center (Midway, UT).
The banquet will include awards for the first two race events, a full meal, and some commentary from U.S. Biathlon staff on athlete selection for trips and future camps. Athletes banquet tickets are included with the three event full registration fee. Coaches must register for the event and may purchase banquet tickets for $25 on the registration platform. We welcome family members to attend the athlete banquet, but tickets must be purchased by December 23rd at Noon MST. Please visit the U.S. Biathlon Center events page for an event link to purchase online: https://center.usbiathlon.org/events.
15% discount on rooms for U.S. Biathlon members/racers
Best Western Plus Heber Valley Hotel https://www.bestwestern.com/en_US/book/hotels-in-heber-city/best-western-plus-heber-valley-hotel/propertyCode.45092.html
Contact Keaton Ross at: keaton@henderson500.com or 435.222.8708
Henderson Property Management: henderson500.com
Click HERE to apply for the grant!
U.S. Biathlon, in partnership with SCRTC and the North Country Sports Council, are looking to award U.S. Biathlon Clubs/Teams individual grants to help assist with their competition costs* associated with the Youth & Junior Nationals and YJWCH events at Soldier Hollow Nordic Center from December 26th– December 31st, 2024.
How it works:
- The Club, Individual and/or Team (awardee) must eat at a Summit County Park City or multiple Park City restaurants.
- The total value of the restaurant receipts must exceed $250.00.
- Dates of the restaurant receipts must be from December 25, 2024, to December 31, 2024.
- The Club, Individual and/or Team (awardee) must have competed in the U.S. Biathlon Youth & Junior Nationals & YJWCH from December 27, 2024 – December 31, 2024, in Utah. Approval of participation will be provided by U.S. Biathlon.
- The Club, Individual and/or Team (awardee) must upload and submit copy of receipts no later than January 10, 2025.
- After completion and submission of the form on the promotion website, the Club, Individual and/or Team (awardee) will receive a response email of approval within 7 business days. Total awarded grants will not exceed sixteen (16) and the Club, Individual and/or Team (awardee) will be awarded based on timestamp of submissions.
- If/When approved a payment will be sent; please allow up to 10 business days for arrival of funds.
- Only one application can be submitted; Individual competitors who are part of a Team/Club are not eligible to apply unless otherwise approved.
* restaurant dine-in and/or restaurant catered event within Summit County, Utah
This event will serve as the Official U.S. Biathlon National Championships for Youth & Juniors in the USA, as well as International Team Selection for the 2024-2025 season.
Top 3 in the IBU Youth & Top 3 in the IBU Junior categories will be recognized with National Championship titles and medals associated with this event.
U17 athletes will receive special recognition as a subcategory of the IBU Youth class. *Note - this will be a non-National Championship recognition, and will have no bearing on the ranking & points lists for International Team Selection, which will come from the overall IBU Youth Category.
Age Categories recognized in 2024-2025:
Juniors - born 2003, 2004, 2005
Youth - born 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009
U17 - born 2008, 2009 (recognition only)
International Team Selection Process
Points list will be calculated with the best 2 of 3 results using the U.S. Biathlon percent-back system. Youth and junior athletes will be scored together. Two lists will be created for each gender. The Primary List will include both Junior and Youth athletes. The Youth list will include only youth athletes.
** Full criteria for each team can be found HERE.
All athletes will adhere to U.S. Biathlon's wax protocol policy.
- Athletes will deliver one pair of scraped skis, the name clearly marked, to the Soldier Hollow wax room no later than ONE hour after Official Training or TWO hours after race conclusion on the day before the race. Full wax protocol details HERE.
- Race skis will be checked in and marked by U.S. Biathlon
- All skis will receive the same wax
- Race skis will be delivered to the start pen 10 minutes before the race. Race skis must stay in the start pen.
For further information, please contact any of the following U.S. Biathlon staff:
Director of Operations - Sara Studebaker-Hall
Director of Athlete Development - Tim Burke
Director of Sport Development - John Farra
Chief of Competition - Shawn Robison
Technical Delegate - John Barrick
International Referee, Range - Tom Moffat
U.S. Biathlon Event Liaisons - Sara Studebaker-Hall & John Farra
U.S. Results/Scoring Chief - Tim Burke
Soldier Hollow Biathlon Manager - Gerrit Garberich